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Shluv PRO Membership Shluv PRO

Pro members will enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

  • Free Program Access: All programs are free for Pro members (regular members must pay per program).

  • Discounted Events: Enjoy 50% off tickets for live events, including masterclasses and workshops hosted by Shluv Dance Academy

  • Exclusive Training: Access advanced tools, exclusive masterclass content, and social media branding resources.

  • Personalized Support: Weekly live streams, featuring individualized feedback and guidance for Pro members, with others able to observe and learn.

  • Monetization Opportunities: Academy campaigns designed to feature and promote dance creators, offering earning opportunities for Pro members.

  • Weekly Viral Trends: Updated weekly to keep members inspired and ahead of the curve.

Total (including taxes)
Free for 7 days
USD $49.99/month after trial
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