Michael Le

City of Los Angeles, CA, United States



Apr 29 at 08:09 PM

Hey guys! Apologies for being MIA, been sick this last week but im doing announcements, updates, and new content coming up so please bare with me!! This new journey is super exciting but so much work on the backend that i need to hire help haha but thank you again for being here and i promise i will not disappoint!!!


Apr 24 at 02:11 PM

thank you !!

Apr 24 at 02:11 PM

no restrictionss!!!



Apr 22 at 10:08 AM

Hi everyone!!

Quick update: ive been traveling and doing alot of planning for the future of this academy, and im really excited to continue pushing this community! I know its lacking in dance content and lessons but i promise i will be having all of that when im back from travels! For now im gonna be able to release a few more dance tutorials and then we will be getting into actual lessons to help any beginners!


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Apr 21 at 06:45 PM

lets GOO!! love the editing too

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Apr 18 at 04:12 PM

nice !!!

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Apr 18 at 04:10 PM

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Apr 18 at 04:09 PM

super cleann!!!

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Apr 18 at 04:09 PM

dude the visuals!!!! super sick!!!!

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Apr 18 at 04:09 PM

yooo!!! ateeee that up bro